Weeknotes: 2024, Week 37

What is normal? This week was normal, I suppose. Very little comings or goings. Staying put in the rolling hills of central Kentucky.

Come to think of it, there was some comings and goings. Emily chaperoned an overnight field trip at the beginning of the week. The other kids and I coped by riding bikes to Chic-fil-a for dinner.

I ran eight miles on Tuesday. What felt like a monumental distance a year ago is beginning to feel routine. I like the long feedback loop of progress.

Being at home allowed me to observe my roof. And the damage that squirrels have done. Just this past April I had some work done to my roof to fix leaks. And now squirrels are chewing up the new rubber. So it goes.

Friday was a day off work. I took a nap like you wouldn’t believe. 9am–noon. Can you believe it?

I spent Saturday trimming trees away from my roof. In a vain attempt to mitigate future squirrel problems.

Sunday was relaxing. We spent the evening at Boonedogs with with handful of families. A great space to sit, talk, and let the kids run wild. I ate one of the 13 best hot dogs in America, according to Bloomberg. You’ll have to work through a paywall for that hard hitting journalism. So there’s that.

Published: 2024-09-15

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