Christmas Milk

Obligatory recipe story

My father-in-law has been making this eggnog and giving it as a gift for years. It’ll warm the coldest heart on the coldest day. It’s most fun to make with a friend.



  1. Seperate 16 eggs, yolks in largest bowl you have.
  2. Beat the snot out of the yolks. Get’m as frothy as possible.
  3. Add powdered sugar, bourbon, rum, milk, and vanilla to the yolks.
  4. Beat the snot out of this concoction. Get it as homogenous as you can.
  5. In a separate bowl beat heavy creme into whipped cream.
  6. Add the newly whipped cream into the concoction.
  7. Beat the snot out of the concoction until fully incorporated. That’s the theme here for half the steps.
  8. In a separate bowl beat egg whites until super fluffy.
  9. Add fluffy egg whites to the concoction.
  10. Repeat the anthem of snot beating.
  11. Put in the container(s) of your choosing.
  12. Let sit for 24 hours before serving. The longer you wait, the better it gets. To a point.
  13. Shake before serving.
  14. Enjoy with your friends and family.