
I added https://honeybadger.io error monitoring to this website. The setup was incredibly simple. Their onboarding walked me through it.

bundle add honeybadger
bundle exec honeybadger install hbp_my_redacted_api_key

This got everything up-and-running out of the box. I made two additional changes for integrating with my kamal deployment story.

First, I made sure that Honeybadger can see the current revision in the docker image.

# honeybadger.yml
revision: "<%= ENV['KAMAL_VERSION'] %>"

Second, I made post-deploy hook to notify Honeybadger of new deploys.

# .kamal/hooks/post-deploy
bundle exec honeybadger deploy\

Honeybadger’s free plan is pretty generous for a hobbyist like me. Hooray for monitoring!