Indieweb Goofin'

My curiosity of the indieweb continues. Indiekit was the latest area of exploration.

Indiekit is ultimately a bust for me. Running a Node application connected to MongoDB is more complexity than I want to take on. Giving deployment a fair shot via Render was educational. The source code even more so. I’m glad it exists.

Indiekit’s introduction was helpful for identifying the three distinct areas I can look into.

  1. Micropub
  2. Webmentions
  3. Syndication

I’m initially intrerested in implementing Micropub. My ideal workflow is two steps.

  1. Add my website as a Micropub account in iA Writer
  2. Publish directly from iA Writer

I’ll need a Micropub endpoint to accomplish this. A long-running process deployed on Render (or similar) is one possibility. A Netlify function (or similar) is another.

The traffic to my micropub endpoint will be minimal. Me publishing notes and links a few times a day. I could build a full-blow Rails application. That’s the tool I know. Deploying via Netlify function right next to my site seems fun.

Micropub authentication is OAuth 2.0 bearer tokens. I publish my content in Github. Could I simply issue myself an OAuth token from GitHub? I don’t need to build the generalized system for all websites to use Micropub. I want to be able to publish from my tools to my site.

So that’s the current plan of exploration. Can I publish a note to my site using iA Writer?