Mid month publishing for a beginning of month practice. It’s fine.
The past month was a rollercoaster of COVID exposures. Each kid was quarantined from school, in subsequent weeks. Through it all, we had no contraction of the virus. Everyone is healthy, and we’re having a lot of fun at home.
Children being in school is a completely new phase of life. Mornings of readying together are sweet. As is the silence after they’ve departed. Long walks fill the morning, starting the day right.
I’ve been slowly tinkering on /books. Having a bookshelf of sorts on the personal site has been an idea for a long time. After gathering old reviews from various sources, creating an index page, and a show page, it’s “shippable”. I’m particularly happy with the responsive table on the index page.
The links to indie book stores feel like a bit of a virtue signal. I still buy books on Kindle, and paperbacks off Amazon. I’m a work in progress.
I’ve continued building an RSS reader. It’s a fun hobby project. For the longest time I’ve been in that exploratory thrashing mode of development. This past week I actually setup a test harness, allowing for some test driven development. Importing of OPML files is dramatically improved with this new workflow.
Which reminds me… I need to setup RSS for this site. 😬
I began running in July of this year. My goal is to run a mile without stopping, and not feel terrible. Considering the two month horizon, I feel like progress is a bit slow. But the last time I tried to run (2015?) I tried to progress way to fast, and felt it in my knees. So this slow progression is progress.
Published: 2021-09-15