Weeknotes: 2024, Week 14

Made it back to the bluegrass after a week in the wetlands. Only briefly though.

Long enough to grab a run, sauna soak, and a meal drenched in chorizo queso. Checked out the new board game bar before checking in on my old co-workers playing some music. Mowed the lawn to be a good neighbor. Pruned a ton of foliage to make future maintenance easier.

Journeyed north to Cincinnati for a weekend of visiting family. Ran an impromptu overcast 10K through my old neighborhood and beyond.

Extended family journeyed further north to visit with my cousin and her husband who were attending a conference in Columbus. North Market was a fine place to grab a table and create space for everyone’s preferences.

Stayed in Ohio through Monday to embrace the path of totality. Took in the two nights of Wrestlemania 40 while we waited for the eclipse. It’s probably been 22 years since I’ve watched a WWE event. The People’s Elbow remains the most electrifying move in sports entertainment. No contest.

I said goodbye to my 12 days of vacation and eased back into work with a half-day Monday. The other half of the day was spent anticipating and experiencing the eclipse.

The eclipse was indescribable.

Capped off our 13 days of travel with a Cincinnati Reds game on our way back to the bluegrass.

This was our big family trip for the year. Felt miniature against the backdrop of last year’s three months on the road. There’s a season for everything under the sun.