Weeknotes: 2024, Week 15

A week of reestablishing routine. School and work for children and adults. Evening activities were minimal. Hosted our weekly gathering on Thursday.

Seasoned my new outdoor griddle on Saturday morning. Cooked smash burgers that same evening. The results were exponentially better than using the removable griddle (which I still recommend) atop my more traditional gas grill.

Introduced friends to Treasure Island. I was Long John Silver and I did not recover my treasure.

It rained all week. Which is anxiety producing when coupled with my occasionally leaking roof. The winter patch seemed to hold up this week. It’s finally getting warm enough to peruse a more permanent fix. If only it would be dry enough to do the work.

I’ve been calling, texting, and by any means nagging roofers to come apply the more permanent fix for weeks. Waking up to the sound of demolition at 7:30am was not my ideal alarm for Sunday morning. Now that I’m awake, the sound of footsteps and rustle of activity above me is oddly satisfying. It’s not pleasant to listen to. But I can anticipate the quiet mind that won’t be roused to anxiousness when rain is in the forecast.

E and I have been playing Wargroove. It’s a balanced tactics game with a sufficient story, approachable co-op, and novel variety of character actions. And there’s a sequel to pursue once we’ve exhausted the initial offering.