Weeknotes: 2024, Week 25
Falling back into routines after the novel start to summer. Our arbitrary, silly goal is to watch all the Pixar movies as a family. We’ve made it through Inside Out. We broke from a strict release date order to view Inside Out 2 in the theater. We all enjoyed it.
A pickleball net fell into our Amazon cart, shipped to our house, and got setup. The kids and I have been having a blast just hitting that goofy ball back and forth in the heat wave.
The swim season is already halfway over. Two more meets, and that’s a wrap. Grandparents came down to enjoy last week’s meet. And joined in on our Monsters University movie night.
A missing sock reappeared! I’ve enjoyed my Darn Tough running socks, but I haven’t been able to use them because one was missing. It showed up with a closet decluttering. Tidy up.
Preparations for the 10K feel back on track. The few weeks of solo parenting and weekend cabin trips had disrupted my best intentions at disciplined training. I’ll be ready come race day.
Exhaustion took over this weekend. I slept about 10 hours a night and took a three-hour nap on Sunday. Feeling more rested now.
I read an entire book on Sunday. Say Yes by Scott Erickson. It was beautiful and meditative. I wanted it to be more actionable and immediate. The more I marinate, the more useful the simple suggestions appear.