Weeknotes 2025—6 & 7

I’ve gone to the sauna for 17 consecutive days and I plan to continue. My routine has taken the form of an extreme temperature sandwich. Ice cold shower, 20–25 minutes in the sauna, ice cold shower. The alertness and presence required is a feeling worth chasing.

I’ve been reading library loans on my Boox Palma. I finished Make Time, and let a bunch of poetry books expire.

I’m reading some fiction for the first time in forever, and enjoying it this go round. At the other end of the spectrum, I’m reading a book about MySQL performance. Still enjoying technical knowledge, too.

It’s been a string of two pretty normal winter weeks. I am ready to be past winter and into spring. I understand why people become snowbirds, and may do so myself as I direct my resources and make my choices.

Climbing has returned to my life. I was hesitant at first, but I’m back to enjoying it. The key motivator is that all the kids are getting into it. I just wanna hang out with my kids, frankly.

I still have hope for democracy. I’m urging my representatives to do their jobs. It’s not clear if they will, but I’m doing my part, and putting aside any main character energy that social media attempts to place on me. I just wanna hang out with my kids, frankly.

I tried borscht for the first time and it is delicious. I can embrace winter a bit longer when I reframe it as soup season.

Legos. So many legos lately. Flowers, Star Wars, and more BrickHeadz. Up, this time.